Jumat, 15 Juli 2016

Entry True type font in linux

Install a font is not difficult! After you have downloaded the font, extract it in a folder (the fonts are generally in a zip archive) then open a terminal in the folder where is your font then in this folder, type in the terminal (of course you must be root for this):

# mkdir -v /usr/share/fonts/myfonts (of course you can give another name than "myfonts")
# mv nameofyourfont.ttf /usr/share/fonts/myfonts/
# cd /usr/share/fonts/myfonts/
# mkfontdir
# mkfontscale
# fc-cache -f -v

And hop, your fonts are incorporated to the system. After the last command, verify if you see the line:

/usr/share/fonts/myfonts: caching, 1 fonts, 0 dirs

It says you the font is available.

Then now, you can remove the folder where you have extract the font at first.

In this way, you can install any TrueType (.ttf) fonts found on the web...

P.S.= If you have several fonts, it's the same thing. The most simple is to put all the fonts in the same folder, so the second command will be:

mv *.ttf /usr/share/fonts/myfonts

Then, following is the same.
K.I.S.S. ===> "Keep It Simple, Stupid"
"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." (Leonardo da Vinci)
"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler." (Albert Einstein)

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